Earth Connection

Earth Connection

from $14.50

Earth Connection essential oil blend is grounding, elevating, stimulating and opening to bring about a balance. It is calming, relaxing and soothing. Helps emotions. It is known to increase self-control, giving a feeling of - “I can do it.” It helps to assist in a feeling to set goals and dreams and then gives us strength and courage to manifest them in our lives. It has also been known to help increase the “passion” in relationships! Earth Connection consists of Cedarwood Atlas, Spruce White, Fir Needle, Ylang Ylang I, Patchouli, Tangerine, and Frankincense.

Grounding. Hence the name, “Earth Connection”. Helps us stay grounded during times of necessary decision making. Restores confidence and peace to stay balanced. Diffuse.

Balancing Chakras. We sometimes get removed from our body because of the outside environment around us. Earth Connection plays a role in our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health. It helps support the chakras and filters out negative energy. Earth Connection oil in the base chakra area to bring yourself back into the physical body.

This essential oil blend is helpful in so many various ways to the human body in general, but unfortunately, due to state regulations, we can not tell you on this website. You will have to look to other websites all over the internet to find that out.

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